G3 has security? Other than the kind of security that comes from excellent binding retention? Who knew? Indeed we do (apparently), and if you try to break into the office to build your own skis, well, we certainly would appreciate the resourcefulness, but the security guy ... not so much. Luckily, there's an easier way than what our old friend Dave Norona went through to build up his custom skis here. Yep, the annual Skigraphiks contest is still up and running and we're closing in on identiying the first winner in the contest segment with Backcountry.com next week. That'll be followed by three more installments of the contest over the next three months. So ... get on it, and get those designs coming our way. You might just get a pair of skis with your very own graphic on the topsheet as a result - and all without a run-in with out security guy. Yeah, we'll stick with the kind of security that comes with the Onyx.
Dude, we're in!